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Hemmati Roghayeh

Supervisor/ Advisor of Projects

Course: PhD
No. Student Date of Defence Field Topic Supervisor/ Advisor
1 Mehdi Mehrabi Sisakht In progressPlant pathology, Mycology and fungal diseases of plants Taxonomy and phylogeny of Diatrypaceae in Northern Iran    SuperVisor

Course: M.Sc
No. Student Date of Defence Field Topic Supervisor/ Advisor
14 Farnaz Shapouran December  2010Plant Pthology Identification of physiological races of the causal agent of sunflower downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii) in Urmia and study on the resistance of some sunflower cultivars )    SuperVisor
13 Maryam Khodagholi February  2011Plant Pathology Study on the genetic ad phenotypic diversity of Fusarium solani isolates   SuperVisor
12 Maryam Mehdikhani October  2011Plant Pthology Reaction of some canola cultivars against Sclerotinia stem rot disaese    SuperVisor
11 Zahra safarloo February  2012Plant Pthology Vegetative compatibility groups in Fusarium solani isolates, the causal agent of bean root rot in Zanjan Province    SuperVisor
10 Maryam khodaie March  2012Plant Pthology Identification of Trichoderma isolates in bean fields of Zanjan Province and their biocontrol ability on bean root rot fungal agents    SuperVisor
9 Leyla abdipoure asl March  2013Plant pathology wheat root mycoflora in Zanjan province with an emphasis on the Hyphomycetous fungi    SuperVisor
8 Hana kamangar March  2013Plant pathology Study on antifungal effect of some plant extracts against Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani    SuperVisor
7 Afagh Faraji February  2013Plant pathology Reaction of the major fungal agents of bean root rot and some indigenous antagonistic bacteria in Zanjan province    SuperVisor
6 Mehdi Erfani March  2013Plant pathology Identification of root and tuber mycoflora of potato in East Azerbaijan    SuperVisor
5 Nasim Safari September  2013Plant pathology Study on effect of nano particles of some plant essential oils on control of apple blue mold, Penicillium expansum   SuperVisor
4 Bentolhoda Yaghoubi September  2014Plant pathology Inhibitory effect of some plant essential oils on Alternaria alternata   SuperVisor
3 Leyla Mohammadi In progressPlant pathology Genetic and pathogenicity diversity of Fusarium acuminatum isolates from wheat fields of Zanjan province   SuperVisor
2 Mehri Nemati In progressPlant pathology Genetic and pathogenicity variation among Michrodochium sp. isolates on wheat in Zanjan province   SuperVisor
1 Mina Mohammadi In progressPlant pathology Identification of the fungi associated with grapevine decline in Abhar and Khoramdareh counties 



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